Заметки на английском: about the ‘Philomena’ movie



‘A heart-wrenching story’ — this was the first epithet that came to my mind almost as soon as I started watching the movie.

The image that accompanies the film made me think it would be a nice and funny story.
Nice it is but not in the least funny.
The film is very very sad but somehow in the end you feel high-spirited.
This is the story I have been looking for for a long long time.
I suppose only real life stories can be so touching.

And the music is terrific.

I’ve just found out that Alexandre Desplat, the composer, also wrote music to a number of other wonderful films like Harry Potter, the Painted Veil and The Twilight.

Если вы хотели бы узнать больше на тему, затронутую в фильме, вы можете обратиться к подкасту The Home Babies. В нем рассказываются истории женщин, которые прошли через то же самое, что и героиня фильма.

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