Я уже не раз писала о том, что неплохо бы ознакомиться с тем, как образуются слова в изучаемом вами языке. В этом посте я бы хотела поделиться с вами списками почти всех префиксов и суффиксов, составленными Виктором, а также рассказать более подробно о суффиксах -ling, -let, которые в большом количестве «водятся» в после про названия детенышей животных.
Итак, префиксы английского языка (пост про «отрицательные» приставки)
WordPart | Main meaning | Comments | Exmple 1 | Example 2 |
a- | toward | ahead | aside | |
a- | not | atypical | asexual | |
ab- | away from | abuse | abnormal | |
ac- | close to, connect | before C | account | accompany |
ad- | close to, connect | adapt | advise | |
af- | close to, connect | before F | affect | affirm |
ag- | close to, connect | before G | aggregate | aggrieve |
al- | close to, connect | before L | allocate | allege |
ambi- | on both sides | ambidexterous | ambivalence | |
anti- | against | anti-social | anti-government | |
ap- | close to, connect | before P | approach | appropriate |
arch- | more than/main | arch-enemy | archetypal | |
as- | close to, connect | before S | assignment | assumption |
at- | close to, connect | before T | attract | attitude |
auto- | self | autofocus | autobiography | |
be- | make to be | belittle | befriend | |
bene- | well | benevolent | benefit | |
bi- | two | biplane | bilingual | |
cata- | down, against | catalogue | catacomb | |
circum- | around | circumspect | circumlocution | |
co- | together | co-worker | coordinatate | |
col- | together | collect | collaboration | |
com- | together | commixture | commit | |
con- | together | convolute | congenial | |
cor- | together | correspond | corroboration | |
counter- | agaist/opposite | counteract | counter-productive | |
contra- | against | contradict | contravene | |
de- | down/opposite | decompose | decode | |
demi- | half | demigod | demi-official | |
dis- | not/appart | disappear | disperse | |
down- | downward | downpour | downturn | |
em- | make to be | empower | embody | |
en- | make to be | endanger | enlarge | |
ex- | earlier | ex-wife | ex-member | |
extra | beyond | extraordinary | extraterrestrial | |
fore- | in advance | forewarn | foresee | |
hyper- | too much | hypertension | hyperactive | |
il- | not | illegal | illogical | |
im- | not | impossible | impersonal | |
in- | not | informal | independent | |
in- | upon | integument | influence | |
inter- | between | international | interface | |
ir- | not | irregular | irrelevant | |
mal- | bad | malfunction | malnutrition | |
micro- | small | microcomputer | microfilm | |
mid- | halfway | midnight | midsummer | |
mis- | wrongly | misjudge | misunderstand | |
mono- | one | monotone | monoculture | |
multi- | many | multinational | multicultural | |
neo- | new | neo-classical | neo-Gothic | |
non- | not | non-smoker | non-stop | |
omni- | all | omnipotent | omnivorous | |
poly | many | polygamy | polytheism | |
post- | after | postwar | postmodern | |
pre- | before | preheat | pre-school | |
pro- | supporting/for | pro-Britain | pro-family | |
pseudo- | false | pseudo-classic | pseudonym | |
re- | again | replay | remake | |
semi- | half | semi-final | semi-circle | |
sub- | under | subclass | subsystem | |
super- | beyond | supernatural | superhuman | |
sur- | over | surpass | surreal | |
trans- | change/cross | transform | transplant | |
tri- | three | trinity | triangle | |
un- | not | unhappy | unlucky | |
ultra- | beyond | ultraviolet | ultramoderm | |
uni- | one | unisex | unicycle | |
under- | low/lower | underestimate | underneath |
Суффиксы английского языка
WordPart | Meanin | Parts of speach | Exmple 1 | Example 2 |
-able | can be | Adjective | readable | touchable |
-age | Noun | shortage | coverage | |
-al | Noun | renewal | arrival | |
-al | Adjective | personal | relational | |
-an | person/place | European | American | |
-ance | Noun | clearance | allowance | |
-ancy | Noun | expectancy | consultancy | |
-ant | Adjective | resultant | expectant | |
-ant | person/thing | Noun | consultant | servant |
-ar | Adjective | circular | angular | |
-ary | quality | Adjective | imaginary | momentary |
-ary | person/thing | Noun | secretary | commentary |
-ate | Adjective | passionate | fortunate | |
-ate | Verb | activate | formulate | |
-atic | Adjective | problematic | systematic | |
-ation | Noun | consideration | limitation | |
-atory | Adjective | preparatory | exploratory | |
-cy | Noun | bankruptcy | accuracy | |
-dom | a state of | Noun | freedom | boredom |
-ee | person | Noun | trainee | employee |
-eer | person | Noun | mountaineer | engineer |
-en | made of | Adjective | wooden | golden |
-en | Verb | harden | deepen | |
-ence | Noun | difference | existence | |
-ency | Noun | tendency | dependency | |
-ent | person/thing | Noun | president | respondent |
-ent | of quality to do | Adjective | different | consistent |
-er | person/thing | Noun | sender | teacher |
-ery | Noun | cookery | robbery | |
-ese | relating to | Person | Japanese | Vietnamese |
-esque | Adjective | picturesque | statuesque | |
-ess | female | Noun | actress | princess |
-et | small | Noun | packet | owlet |
-ette | small | Noun | kitchenette | cigarette |
-fold | times | Adjective | twofold | threefold |
-ful | of a quality | Adjective | careful | useful |
-ful | amount | Adjective | armful | spoonful |
-hood | a state of | Noun | childhood | motherhood |
-i | relating to | Person | Israeli | Iraqi |
-ian | relating to | Person | musician | Egyptian |
-ible | can be | Adjective | accessible | convertible |
-ic | Adjective | periodic | heroic | |
-ify | Verb | classify | simplify | |
-ion | Noun | discussion | action | |
-ise | Verb | standardise | finalise | |
-ish | Adjective | childish | foolish | |
-ism | theory of | Noun | realism | nationalism |
-ist | person | Noun | specialist | artist |
-ite | relating to | Person | Israelite | socialite |
-ition | Noun | addition | opposition | |
-ity | Noun | publicity | reality | |
-ive | Adjective | active | creative | |
-ize | to bring to a state of | Adjective | standardize | finalize |
-less | without | Noun | endless | careless |
-let | small | Noun | booklet | droplet |
-ling | connected with | Noun | weakling | underling |
-ly | Adjective | lively | friendly | |
-ly | Adverb | widely | kindly | |
-ment | Noun | agreement | movement | |
-most | the furthest | Adjective | topmost | uppermost |
-ness | Noun | kindness | sickness | |
-or | person/thing | Noun | collector | governor |
-ory | of quality to do | Adjective | sensory | contradictory |
-ous | Adjective | dangerous | continuous | |
-ry | Noun | memo | aviary | |
-ship | a state of | Noun | leadership | friendship |
-sive | of quality to do | Adjective | persuasive | pervasive |
-some | Adjective | troublesome | fearsome | |
-ster | person | Noun | youngster | gangster |
-th | Noun | warmth | growth | |
-th | number | Numeral | fourth | sixth |
-ty | Noun | safety | uncertainty | |
-ure | Noun | pressure | failure | |
-ward | direction | Adverb | northward | backward |
-ways | direction | Adverb | sideways | lengthways |
-wise | direction | Adverb | anticlockwise | otherwise |
-y | connected with | Adjective | windy | speedy |
-y | of quality to be | Noun | difficulty | honesty |
Всегда внимательный plush в связи с постом про названия детенышей животных обратил мое внимание на суффиксы -ling и -let, о существовании которых я до тех пор и не подозревала.
Итак, суффикс -ling образует существительные, обозначающие человека, животное или растение, для которых характерно то действие, состояние или положение, на которое указывает основа (лучше, чем Lingvo мне не сказать)
to fledge — выкармливать птенцов, до тех пор пока они сами не смогут летать; fledg(e)ling — птенец
to yean — ягниться; yeanling — ягненок
to be fond of smb — души в ком-то не чаять; fondling — любимчик
ground — земля; groundling — некто или нечто обитающее на земле (ползучее растение или животное, живущее на земной поверхности)
Также этот суффикс может использоваться для образования существительных со значением уменьшительности или даже уничижительности
frogling (frog) — лягушонок (лягушка)
gosling (goose) — гусенок (гусь)

duckling — маленькая утка
darling — букв. маленький дорогой человек (little dear)
Суффикс -let также указывает на небольшие размеры
piglet — поросенок
eaglet — орленок