Как пищала мода в Англии XVIII века


Какое-то время назад на Ютьюбе было видео про то что делали с собой модницы 18 века в Англии. Видео удалили, поэтому предлагаю почитать скрипт и перевод.

A gorgeous georgian lady was quite a sight to see. For some splendid beauty tips pay attention, listen to me.

White is beautiful, dear ladies! Smear your face with paint of lead(свинцовые белила). Nevermind that lead has made men who mix it ill or dead.
Take some silk of red or black, cut a circle or a crescent. Stick it to your face to cover small pouts, scrars. it’s much more pleasant.
shave your eyebrows, clean away. take a trap and catch some mice. make  false eyebrows with the mouseskin, stick  them on. you look so nice!
next you need a monster wig if you want to look real smashing, when your wig has reached the roof, then you’ll be the height of fashion.
decorate your lovely hairpiece. use the feather of a parrot, add some ribbons, fruit and flowers. from your ear then hang a carrot
make your face look soft and shabby, pack your mouth with balls of hollok, hang your false teeth in the middle. hope you don’t choke when you talk!
now you followed my advice! last of all you’ll need a fan. flatter it oh so demurely then you’re sure you get your man!
За расшифровку текста отдельное спасибо Arwy!
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